



Sunlight is what we have come to compare with all other forms of light. It helps us to define our temporal rhythms and nourishes our body. However, natural day-lighting isn’t always accessible in every situation and electrical lighting consumes too much energy. There is a need for innovation in sustainable forms of day-lighting.

Solaris redirects sunlight into living spaces that would otherwise be left in the dark during the daytime. It will intelligently track the location of the sun and automatically charge its’ batteries with solar cells when natural lighting isn’t required. It can be easily placed and secured in locations where there is sunlight and through an application interface, users can schedule natural day-lighting in their desired rooms. Being solar powered, it’s completely self- sufficient and potentially reduces half the day’s energy consumption for lighting while providing the equivalent of 250 watts or 31 standard light bulbs worth of illumination.

James Lau

Student in Product Design Honours 2016, School of Design



